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This site was set up to allow public access to and easy verification of the data that goes into my TikTok series, Who's Making News for Sex Crimes Involving Children. This research project aggregates and analyzes news reports published about sexual assaults on children in the United States, and is designed to be fully verifiable. You can check the data by downloading the full database - just click the “Source Data” tab.

Here is the data summary from the ... cases in the database. The cases in the database run from February 10, 2023 through .

Religious Employment: Transgender: Drag Queen:

Scroll down for the current visualizations and analysis.

What’s in the Database: I collected and aggregated data, starting on a somewhat random date, February 10, 2023, and running through one week after May 16, 2024, the date on which the number of individuals in the database exceeded 10,000 cases. I’m now working primarily on data cleanup review, after which I’ll work on detailed analysis leading to a report. Important note for those looking at the current database: not all cases prior to the official closing date, May 23, 2024, have been processed; the reports don’t arrive in chronological order. I’m currently going back and filling in cases that were not picked up in earlier searches, something that has already added hundreds of additional entries. Many more are expected as we also add new data sources to the aggregation.

The Series Goal: fact checking narratives about sex crimes against children." The site contains a set of data and statistical analysis of that data, nothing more. The data, like the facts, don’t care about anyone’s feelings, or politics.

I encourage you to fact check the data. Use the “Data” tab on the left to download the full database. The data collection started in mid-February 2023 and is limited to the United States only. The rules for inclusion in the database are simple: the cases we’re examining are limited to crimes involving actual sexual assaults on children. Therefore the data excludes arrests in “sting” or CSAM possession cases, except where the perpetrator is charged with creating the CSAM, and thus has had direct contact with a victim.

You can help make the data more complete by downloading the Source Data (tab on the upper left) and by submitting any additions, changes or corrections you find. The e-mail dedicated to this project is whoismakingnews@browdelaw.com.

Note: Unless you check the Include Not Listed checkbox below, the charts will exclude ... cases that do not have any employment or relationship included in the news reports.

More Detailed Breakdown

Per-Capita Crime Heatmap

This map shows the crimes involving children per state, per million population. The darker the color, the higher the per-capita crime rate.

What conclusions can you draw from the numbers to date?

A terrific data analyst, Emily Parker, who runs DataViz.fyi, has created a rich graphical analysis breaking down the data and drawing some vital comparisons. Click inside the analysis for more detailed explanations and per capita category comparisons that are eye opening to say the least. Note: There is a short lag between the time we enter data and the time it filters through to Emily’s analysis page - the lag only shows up in the minutes right after I finish adding to the database, and explains any possible discrepancy between the summary number above and the numbers within the analysis page.

Data footnote: with the assistance of other TikTok members, one, in particular, Celiene O’Hara, who has been super helpful, we’re engaged in data cleanup as well as updating on a daily basis. That means you should consider all the data a work in progress, and you may see numbers go down from time to time, as we find duplicate entries, typically caused when there’s either a minor spelling issue in reports or when there’s an update in a case and we miss the earlier entry. When we find those updated or duplicate entries they’re checked as “deleted” in the database, but you can still see the original data, with the deleted notation, if you download the full data file - which you can do by clicking on the “Data” tab on the left.

And if you want to look just at current trends, here’s a link to a visualization developed by Eric Graham, which opens in a new window https://erksome.shinyapps.io/WMN_Analysis/

Source Data

Your can download the full database that goes into our TikToks and the analysis we’ve done from this page. It’s available as an excel sheet or a .csv file, so you can slice and dice it yourself and do your own analysis. We also have some presorted analysis options in the visualizations area, under the “Raw Data and Notes” tab.

If you have a case we missed, or found any errors, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page

Full Database As CSV


The cases in our database meet the following tests:

  1. The story including the information is published after Feb. 15, 2023 - that’s when this study began.
  2. The story relates to the actual sexual abuse of a child. Thus, stings, attempts, and cases involving possession or transmission of Child Sexual Exploitation Materials only are not included. However, if the perpetrator is alleged to have communicated with an actual minor or created the materials, that is within the parameters.
  3. The conduct must have taken place in the United States.

A NOTE ABOUT WHO’S INCLUDED IN THE “RELIGIOUS AFFILIATED” CATEGORY: It is not just full time employees or ordained staff. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says there are only approximately 60,000 paid pastors in the United States. But with unpaid pastors religious organizations say the real number is closer to 600,000. That is just under two tenths of one percent of the American population (.0018 of population, to be precise).

We include in our “religious affiliated” total people who are named in the media reports we catalogue as pastors, youth pastors, priests, brothers, nuns, missionaries, bishops, deacons, church officials, Sunday school teachers, teachers in religious schools, etc. We do not include people who are just listed as members of a church.

For those who want per capita comparisons: The transgender population of the United States has been estimated at anywhere from one half of one percent to two percent of the population, with some estimates as high as five percent of GenZ. Even though that is likely a substantial undercount of the transgender population (because many gender non conforming people live in the woodwork) we use the lower estimate, which would put the transgender population at 1,650,000, more than 2 1/2 times the size of the pastor population.

Where does the data come from? I start the weekly research with keyword searches using various search engines, and, recently, have experimented (rather unsuccessfully) with using AI. I also run a check against the excellent Joe My God blog . JoeMyGod tracks cases involving religious figures and politicians really well, and provides solid links to the stories about incidents and arrests. I add to those links those that I find through Reddit’s Not A Drag Queen subredit , as well as a couple of other sources, including Floodlit , which tracks Mormon Church offenders.

It’s my intention to make sure we have at least a year of full data on which to base a report. But there was definitely a learning curve in gathering the data, and my view is that during the first seven weeks or so data collection was inconsistent. While I’m trying to fill that data in using the techniques that have been developed, I expect to throw out those first weeks before putting together the report. That means the series will run at least through week 60, assuming nothing happens to prevent me from completing that task.

It’s important to note, as you review the data, that the media story collection model has some important limitations.

This data, while hopefully representative and relatively proportional, is undoubtedly a vast understatement of the scope of the Child Sexual Abuse problem in the United States, because a great many cases are never reported in news media stories. Based on statistics released by the Children’s Bureau of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I estimate that somewhere on the order of 1 out of every 40-50 cases of abuse actually get reported publicly. One example of how this plays out is the State of West Virginia, where the West Virginia Child Advocacy Network reports that during calendar year 2023 served over 2700 individual victims of child sex abuse - and that organization is present in 46 of the 55 West Virginia categories. By contrast, in our data, as of March 17, 2024 there were only 106 West Virginia cases.

Web crawlers/spiders don’t get to every website every day. Thus reports can get delayed, throwing off the week in which an incident appears in the TikTok reports - some incidents may get added into totals for the week or so following occurence.

We can’t be certain that the spiders get everywhere, so some reports could, theoretically, be missed.

Not all arrests or convictions result in news coverage, and there is no central registry of cases. Those non-media reported cases will, therefore, not be reflected in the data.

It’s assumed that many more crimes go completely unreported. There’s no data on whether those unreported crimes skew in any particular direction. Some commenters have assumed that churches cover up many incidents, but these reports make no assumptions about that.

One thing that in the past has thrown gross numbers off slightly is that a single incident will result in stories at various milestones. For example, a Catholic Cardinal generated stories when arrested, when going to trial and when found to be not competent to stand trial. I try to filter for that by either deleting duplicates (if you download data, look for the “deleted” column!) or updating existing entries, which creates a problem with the date on which an entry shows up, but otherwise should keep the gross numbers of offenders correct.

Why are the numbers in the data set different from the TikTok you just watched? Simple: I update as I receive and categorize reports. The TikToks are one week slices, and the data has likely been updated since the one you saw was recorded. And there’s the effect from the corrections above - if there are multiple stories about a single perpetrator I’ll filter that out of the TikTok totals, but the website may count the individual twice (we’re working on a fix for that - a duplicate name filter - but it’s not implemented yet.)

I avoid cases that are just “materials” cases, involving pictures/videos (those would, unfortunately, be far too many to catalogue) - and I also do not include “sting” cases, where the perpetrator is connecting with an undercover law enforcement officer and never actually is in contact with a child. The cases included here relate solely to actual assaults on children in the United States with the reports being published during the study time period. Note, however, that if the case involves someone making the materials or if they’re either obtaining them from or sending them to minors, obviously the individuals are also alleged to be committing a crime directly involving a child, so they would be included.

So here we are. The results to date have right wingers tossing around all sorts of accusations about “agendas” and “cherry picking.” But the facts are these: I don’t leave any cases out or attempt to tweak the data. It is what it is - which is what has them upset because it runs completely counter to their narrative. But as Sgt. Joe Friday said, “Just the facts, Ma’am.”

So, dig into the data as you will. Let me know if you find anything that surprises you. I’m greatly indebted to Caleb, another TikTok user, who created the backend/database that provides the graphical interface on the “Data” page.

Remember, though, that this is not my real job, nor is it Caleb’s. We’re trying to make this accessible to all - but we both work for a living, and this isn’t what either of us do, nor are we charging any money or trying to in any way make a profit from this.

THIS DATA IS UNITED STATES ONLY And is valid for the period we’re surveying only. If it’s an incident outside the USA or prior to mid February 2023, it’s outside of our survey period and not part of our data.



Our Data Page contains the reports of individuals who make news. This includes data on organizations which make news because of massive scandals, coverups or other actions that result in stories involving abuse of children. Like our data page, we link to the source data and leave no reports out. Because these reports typically involve abuse over long periods of time, outside our study period, these reports are not tabulated in our percentage or individual offender data, including the central pie chart.

TikTok Playlist

TikTok “Who’s Making News” Playlist

About Kristen

Hi, I’m Kristen Browde, a parent, lawyer, activist and out transgender woman, living in Miami, Florida. With the help of awesome developer and fellow TikTok member Caleb Crome I set up this site because people wanted to see the data that goes into my TikTok series, Who’s Making News for Sex Crimes involving Children

Find me on YouTube , or TikTok .


Question: Where does the data come from?
We start with keyword searches in search engines including Google and DuckDuckGo. We cross check against major sites that aggregate reports of these crimes, including the Joe My God blog, the subReddit #notadragqueen and Floodlit.org, which tracks Mormon cases. We add suggestions that come in from you. The e-mail dedicated to this project is whoismakingnews@browdelaw.com.
Question: What fact checking do you do?
We do not include any name that is not attributable directly to a news report or reliable press release or court document. Although we did not include the links to the stories in the first weeks that we began tracking the cases, since those early weeks each name has a hyperlink to the source data included.
Question: Why are there so many occupations described as “not listed”?
All of the information we get comes from media reports or direct releases from prosecutors and courts. Quite often those do not include information about occupation or, for that matter, much detail about the alleged offender.
Question: Do you track race of the offender or gender?
No. That data is not always available.
Question:Why don’t you post pictures of the offenders or read their names in each report?
Pictures are not always available, and even if they were the data gathering is largely done by one person on a time available basis. Gathering pictures is way beyond the bandwidth available for the project and reading the names would take far too long. You can download the data if you want to take a deep dive.
Question: How do you know some of the offenders aren’t secretly transgender or secretly drag queens?
We don’t. But if there were even a hint of such activity the media and the prosecutors would never stop talking about it, and we’re reasonably certain (though we can’t be completely sure) it would be picked up.
Question: What do I do when I find an error or duplicaten name? HOw do I get a correction or addition to you?
Use the e-mail address: whoismakingnews@browdelaw.com - we very much appreciate the help!


Privacy policy: I do not collect any individually identifiable data from visitors to this site. The site is hosted by GitHub Pages , so is subject to their privacy policy.

Google analytics is set up to detect if anyone cares enough to look at this data, but I don’t keep the data, sell the data or use it for anything other than seeing if the site gets used enough to make it worthwhile to keep it up. If you use the site you consent to whatever data gets collected from you. And if you use the site the hosting company may or may not use cookies. If it does, I don’t know about it or know what, if anything, the cookies do. If you continue on the site, you consent to those cookies too.


Please send any corrections, comments or notes to me at

Web Site

The source code for the website is available on   GitHub . If you have any technical issues, suggestions or enhancements regarding the operation of the site, please open an issue or pull request there.